98 research outputs found

    Vigias e vigiados: variáveis e elementos para pesquisa comparativa sobre a migração na fronteira Brasil-França

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    This paper intends to provide possibilities and notes for a comparative research analyzing the levels of cooperation involving Brazil and France regarding summit themes, such as the recurring problems of cooperation, focusing on what their foreign policies – and the resulting variety of actions, legislation and acts imply – point to the behavior of both States on the topic of high priority for the French Guiana-Amapa border and for the global and regional debate. Inevitably, aspects of state of art in foreign policy cooperation will be observed, more specifically on how concepts and basilar approaches to immigration issues can be pointed out.Este trabalho pretende ensejar possibilidades e notas para uma pesquisa comparativa analisando os níveis de cooperação envolvendo Brasil e França no que diz respeito a temas de cimeira, como os recorrentes problemas de cooperação, com foco no que as suas políticas externas – e a decorrente variedade de ações, legislações e atos implicam – apontam sobre o comportamento dos dois Estados diante do assunto de grande prioridade para a fronteira guiano-amapaense e para o debate global e regional. Inevitavelmente, serão observados aspectos sobre o estado-da-arte na cooperação em política externa, mais especificamente sobre como pode-se apontar conceitos e abordagens basilares para temas ligados à imigração

    Adolescent Attachment Profiles Are Associated With Mental Health and Risk-Taking Behavior

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    This person-oriented study aimed to identify adolescents’ hierarchical attachment profiles with parents and peers, and to analyze associations between the profiles and adolescent psychosocial adjustment. Participants were 449 Finnish 17–19-year-olds reporting their attachments to mother, father, best friend, and romantic partner and details on mental health (internalizing symptoms, inattention/hyperactivity, and anger control problems) and risk-taking behavior (substance use and sexual risk-taking). Attachment was measured with Experiences in Close Relationships – Relationship Structures (ECR-RS); internalizing, inattention/hyperactivity, and anger control problems with Self-Report of Personality — Adolescent (SRP—A) of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, third edition (BASC-3); substance use with the Consumption scale of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) and items from the Finnish School Health Promotion Study; and sexual risk-taking behavior with the Cognitive Appraisal of Risky Events (CARE). Latent profile analysis identified five attachment profiles: “All secure” (39%), “All insecure” (11%), “Parents insecure – Peers secure” (21%), “Parents secure – Friend insecure” (10%), and “Parents secure – Partner insecure” (19%). “All insecure” adolescents showed the highest and “All secure” adolescents the lowest levels of mental health problems and substance use. Further, parental attachment security seemed to specifically prevent substance use and anger control problems, while peer attachment security prevented internalizing problems. Our findings help both understand the organization of attachment hierarchies in adolescence and refine the role of specific attachment relationships in psychosocial adjustment, which can be important for clinical interventions in adolescence.Peer reviewe

    Toimiva lapsi & perhe -menetelmät: Lapset puheeksi -perheinterventio (Family Talk Intervention)

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    Menetelmä lasten pärjäävyyden vahvistamiseksi perheissä, joissa vanhemmalla on mielenterveyden häiriö (2. arvio) Kasvun tuki tuottaa systemaattisia kirjallisuuskatsauksia lapsille, nuorille ja lapsiperheille suunnatuista psykososiaalisista menetelmistä. Lisätietoja arvioinnista. Tämä systemaattinen katsaus on Lapset puheeksi -perheintervention 2. arviointi. Menetelmä on arvioitu ensimmäisen kerran Kasvun tuki -tietolähteessä 10.6.2017

    How is mental health associated with adolescent alpha-amylase and cortisol reactivity and coordination?

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    To better understand the role of neuroendocrinological regulation in adolescent mental health, stress reactivity needs to be analyzed through both the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Accordingly, this study examined how adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing mental health symptoms are associated with their salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol levels, responses, and coordination (symmetry versus asymmetry). We utilized a developmentally salient stress task of mother–adolescent conflict discussion. Eighty 18–20-year-old late adolescents (55% girls) participated in a home laboratory assessment involving a 10-min conflict discussion with their mothers. Five adolescent saliva samples were collected to measure alpha-amylase and cortisol levels before, immediately after, and in 10-min intervals following the conflict discussion, to indicate stress reactivity. Adolescents had reported their internalizing (depression, anxiety, somatization) and externalizing (inattention, hyperactivity, anger control problems) symptoms 1 year earlier as part of a prospective family study. Internalizing symptoms were associated with adolescents’ high baseline cortisol levels, but not with cortisol responses or alpha-amylase levels or responses. In contrast, externalizing symptoms were associated with blunted alpha-amylase responses. Neither internalizing nor externalizing symptoms were associated with asymmetry between alpha-amylase and cortisol reactivity. The mother–adolescent conflict discussion was relevant as a stress stimulus to induce neuroendocrinological stress responses in adolescents. The nature of mental health problems was important for stress reactivity, yet, we found no evidence about mental health problems being related to endocrinological asymmetry in adolescents.Peer reviewe

    UAV-Aided Interference Assessment for Private 5G NR Deployments: Challenges and Solutions

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    Industrial automation has created a high demand for private 5G networks, the deployment of which calls for an efficient and reliable solution to ensure strict compliance with the regulatory emission limits. While traditional methods for measuring outdoor interference include collecting real-world data by walking or driving, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offers an attractive alternative due to their flexible mobility and adaptive altitude. As UAVs perform measurements quickly and semiautomatically, they can potentially assist in near realtime adjustments of the network configuration and fine-tuning its parameters, such as antenna settings and transmit power, as well as help improve indoor connectivity while respecting outdoor emission constraints. This article offers a firsthand tutorial on using aerial 5G emission assessment for interference management in nonpublic networks (NPNs) by reviewing the key challenges of UAV-mounted radio-scanner measurements. Particularly, we (i) outline the challenges of practical assessment of the outdoor interference originating from a local indoor 5G network while discussing regulatory and other related constraints and (ii) address practical methods and tools while summarizing the recent results of our measurement campaign. The reported proof of concept confirms that UAV-based systems represent a promising tool for capturing outdoor interference from private 5G systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Developmental Stage-Specific Effects of Parenting on Adolescents' Emotion Regulation: A Longitudinal Study From Infancy to Late Adolescence

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    The quality of parenting shapes the development of children's emotion regulation. However, the relative importance of parenting in different developmental stages, indicative of sensitive periods, has rarely been studied. Therefore, we formulated four hypothetical developmental timing models to test the stage-specific effects of mothering and fathering in terms of parental autonomy and intimacy in infancy, middle childhood, and late adolescence on adolescents' emotion regulation. The emotion regulation included reappraisal, suppression, and rumination. We hypothesized that both mothering and fathering in each developmental stage contribute unique effects to adolescents' emotion regulation patterns. The participants were 885 families followed from pregnancy to late adolescence. This preregistered study used data at the children's ages of 1 year, 7 to 8 years, and 18 years. At each measurement point, maternal and paternal autonomy and intimacy were assessed with self- and partner reports using the Subjective Family Picture Test. At the age of 18 years, adolescents' reappraisal and suppression were assessed using the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and rumination using the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Stage-specific effects were tested comparing structural equation models. Against our hypotheses, the results showed no effects of mothering or fathering in infancy, middle childhood, or late adolescence on adolescents' emotion regulation patterns. The results were consistent irrespective of both the reporter (i.e., self or partner) and the parental dimension (i.e., autonomy or intimacy). In addition to our main results, there were relatively low agreement between the parents in each other's parenting and descriptive discontinuity of parenting across time (i.e., configural measurement invariance). Overall, we found no support for the stage-specific effects of parent-reported parenting in infancy, middle childhood, or late adolescence on adolescents' emotion regulation. Instead, our findings might reflect the high developmental plasticity of emotion regulation from infancy to late adolescence.</p

    Human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy against invasive, HPV-positive cancers : population-based follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial

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    Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against HPV, a necessary risk factor for cervical cancer. We now report results from population-based follow-up of randomised cohorts that vaccination provides HPV-type-specific protection against invasive cancer. Methods Individually and/or cluster randomised cohorts of HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated women were enrolled in 2002-2005. HPV vaccine cohorts comprised originally 16-17 year-old HPV 16/18-vaccinated PATRICIA (NCT00122681) and 012 trial (NCT00169494) participants (2465) and HPV6/11/16/18-vaccinated FUTURE II (NCT00092534) participants (866). Altogether, 3341 vaccines were followed by the Finnish Cancer Registry in the same way as 16 526 non-HPV-vaccinated controls. The control cohort stemmed from 15 665 originally 18-19 years-old women enrolled in 2003 (6499) or 2005 (9166) and 861 placebo recipients of the FUTURE II trial. The follow-up started 6 months after the clinical trials in 2007 and 2009 and ended in 2019. It was age aligned for the cohorts. Findings During a follow-up time of up to 11 years, we identified 17 HPV-positive invasive cancer cases (14 cervical cancers, 1 vaginal cancer, 1 vulvar cancer and 1 tongue cancer) in the non-HPV-vaccinated cohorts and no cases in the HPV-vaccinated cohorts. HPV typing of diagnostic tumour blocks found HPV16 in nine cervical cancer cases, HPV18, HPV33 and HPV52 each in two cases and HPV45 in one cervical cancer case. The vaginal, vulvar and tongue cancer cases were, respectively, positive for HPV16, HPV52/66 and HPV213. Intention-to-treat vaccine efficacy against all HPV-positive cancers was 100% (95% CI 2 to 100, p Interpretation Vaccination is effective against invasive HPV-positive cancer.Peer reviewe

    Palkokasvit elintarvikkeena : Opas palkokasvien elintarvikekäytöstä

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    Tämän oppaan tarkoituksena on tuottaa ajantasaista tietoa Suomessa käytettävistä palkokasveista sekä niiden merkityksestä ja käsittelyohjeista. Opas on tarkoitettu avuksi erityisesti elintarvikeketjun kehittäjille ja yrityksille, mutta toivottavasti siitä on myös konkreettista hyötyä tavalliselle kuluttajalle. Taustana oppaan kirjoittamisessa ovat olleet useat työpajat ja keskustelut, joissa on toivottu koostetta palkokasveista ja niiden käsittelysuosituksista koskien esimerkiksi mahdollisia haitta-aineita (esimerkiksi lektiini, visiini ja konvisiini). Elintarvikevirasto Evira on laatinut näitä haitta-aineita sisältävien palkokasvien käsittelystä ohjeet, joihin oppaassa viitataan. Palkokasvit elintarvikkeena -opas tuotettiin InnoRuoka – Innovoinnilla ja kokeilutoiminnalla kestävää ruokaa ja kasvua Hämeessä -hankkeen toimenpiteenä. Hanke on osa Kasvua Hämeessä - Hämäläisen ruokaketjun kehittämisen teemaohjelmaa 2015–2020. InnoRuoka-hankkeen toteutuksesta vastaa Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu (HAMK) ja osatoteuttajina ovat Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke) ja Koulutuskeskus Salpaus Lahdessa. Oppaan kirjoittajina ovat toimineet Luken asiantuntijat ja sen sisällössä on hyödynnetty myös muita käynnissä olevia palkokasvien käyttöön liittyvien kehittämishankkeiden tuottamia materiaaleja. Näistä keskeisimpiä ovat Valkuaisfoorumi, ScenoProt ja FutureCrops – hankkeet. Valkuaisosaamiskeskuksesta ratkaisuja Hämeen valkuaisomavaraisuuteen -hankkeessa rakennettiin Valkuaisfoorumi, jonka tavoitteena on edistää kotimaista valkuaisomavaraisuutta ja kehittää Hämeen vahvaan luonnonvaraosaamiseen perustuva toimintamalli. Yhtenä hankkeen tuotoksena laadittiin Puutarhasta proteiinia -tietokortit. Näiden tekemisessä ovat olleet mukana Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu HAMKin opiskelijat: Elias Hakala (lisäksi tietokorttien kuvat ja taitto), Osku Kansanaho, Juuso Kivinen, Eero Korpenfelt, Antti Lehtonen, Joel Pokkinen ja Tuuli Turkia. Heille suuri kiitos että saamme hyödyntää tuloksia myös tässä julkaisussa. ScenoProt on puolestaan Luonnonvarakeskuksen koordinoima Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston rahoittamaan tutkimusohjelmaan Ilmastoneutraali ja resurssiniukka Suomi kuuluva hanke. ScenoProt-hankkeessa tavoitteena on saada uusista lähteistä proteiineja ihmisravinnoksi ja eläinten rehuksi. FutureCrops on viiden ELY-keskuksen alueella toimiva tiedotushanke, jossa palkokasveja, perinteisiä ja uudempia vaihtoehtoja tuodaan esille viljelijöille ja kuluttajille suunnattujen tapahtumien ja seminaarien avulla. Lisäksi tietoa lajien ja lajikkeiden sopivuudesta tuotetaan eri tavoin.201
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